Sunday, April 22, 2012

Saturday Mornings With BOB (Breakfast On a Bun) and Daddy

Day 6 - 2Week Atkins Induction Continues

A Traditional Low Carb BOB ( Breakfast On a Bun)
with Scrambled Egg, Cheese, Canadian Bacon
“You want “yor eggs frad or scrambled?”
(Translation from Texan: “Would you care for your eggs fried, or scrambled?”)

I can just see the woman with the beehive hairdo, smackin’ her gum and waiting impatiently for my order. I was maybe eight at the time and I can still remember the feeling of panic that ensued at the thought of having to make a decision.

So many awesome Holiday Inn breakfast selections, so little time. My family knew enough to let me order last so as to avoid a repeat of the old  “I Love Lucy” episode where Lucy, Ricky, Fred and Ethel order at a restaurant and Lucy changes her order a half dozen times.

I’ve been a breakfast lover since God was a child. Daddy passed that on to me. Sometimes when Dad was out building Kmart stores throughout the U.S., Mom, Nanny (one of our sissies, Nan), and I