Tuesday, February 11, 2014

Sentimental Journey - Texas Forever

People always ask, "You Texans. Psssshhhhaw! You all act like you're the eighth wonder of the world over there. What's so special about Texas?"

Well this is a departure from our typical food posts. This is a sentimental journey and a tribute to all the members of my family from this great state of Texas, whom I adore. This was sent to me by my brother-in-law, whom I've known since I was three years old. He's really a brother, not a BIL. In fact, both of my brothers-in-law are more brother, than inlaw. But I digress.

We just lost a very great man, Daddy Dee, F's father and a terrific man--whom I've also known since I was three. Daddy Dee and B's father, Papa (Papa is my other BIL's dad) became the defacto "Daddies" in our extended clan of Irish-Texans when we lost Dad, so many years ago--almost 20 years, now.

This is for Daddy Dee and F3.

And by the way, this is why we say, "What's so special about Texas? Only everything. It's the people. It's the weather. It's the grandeur. The "big." It's the family sittin' outside under a pecan tree in the middle of 105 degree heat, barbequing, listening to Texas music and chillin' out with a window unit air conditioner sittin' on a table with a big ol' orange extension chord running out the window of the house to the a/c on the table. This is what's so special about Texas."

Texas forever.


  1. Lovely post Suzie. Here' to my late mama, born in Tom Bean, Texas. :)
    Momma was from Texas, Daddy is from Arkansas. You can imagine the "interesting" conversations they used to have!

    Big hug Susie T.
    BCG a.k.a. Barefootcookingirl

    1. Oh, BCG, I can only imagine the conversations at your kitchen table! Especially when the Aggies or Longhorns were playin' the Razorbacks! *snort*

      I have been "by" Tom Bean! I used to live in Dallas, and we would go antiquing all over the area between McKinney and Oklahoma along 75! :D Was she "itchin' to get outta town," or did she love her hometown? Friday night lights, baby! Friday night lights!

  2. Beautiful post, SusieT! I love our wonderful state too.


  3. P.S. - Are there any sn*k*s in the video? Lifelong fear - can't even look at pics of them.

    Thought I'd ask first!

    Alice B

    1. Alice remind me again where you grew up, please? Danged ol' chemo-brain!

    2. :( Yes, there's at least one rattler as I recall. :( But it's gorgeous! (The state, not the snake!)

    3. Big Spring/Midland. Work with my employer in Midland, Lubbock, Amarillo and Dallas (for 20 years). Back in West Texas now!

    4. Oh wow! My BIL's family is from Lamesa and Mom & Dad lived in Amarillo for about 10+ years. I lived in Amarillo for 2 years. Good people. Love panhandle Texans. Salt of the earth! Just love West Texas.

  4. I try my best to avoid those creepy crawly things that scare me. ...shivers...

    Yes, good people, but good all over the State too!

    If you are ever out this way, please do let me know!

    1. Yes, awesome people all around the state! We rarely get to West Texas any more since my parents "went home." And B's mama joined them and his dad sold the farm and moved out of Lamesa to San Antonio. But if we're heading your way, we will definitely let you know!!! xoxo


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